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ZenCart osCommerce CRELoaded
Instructions to set up ZenCart, osCommerce or CRELoaded integration
First, download a php module for your shopping cart from the corresponding location listed below:
1) ZenCart Module
2) osCommerce Module
3) CRELoaded Module
Second, install the module into your "admin" directory of your shopping cart, and name it teapplix.php.
You may need ftp access to your shopping cart to do the install. This is best done by someone who's familiar with setting the shopping cart in the first place. You need to make sure that:
- the teapplix.php has proper permission to be run
- your webserver allows teapplix.php to run without any redirects, session checks, http auth checks, etc
Once setup, you need to go to ActionShip
- Navigate to Integration => Marketplaces & Carts
- Click +Add Marketplaces and select Zencart, oscommerce, or creloaded
- Click Close to close the marketplaces options page.
- Click +Add Zencart Account, +Add Oscommerce Account, or +Add Credloaded
- Enter the following
- Administrator Username
- Administrator Password
- Full URL to your Teapplix.php module (*make sure to use https:// for the url)
- Start Status - integer status code for orders that Teapplix imports
- End Status - integer status code that Teapplix move the order status into after shipped in Teapplix.
You need to let us know once you do that so we can verify the server to server communication works. We also need to know your Teapplix Account Name.
Our server will call this module periodically to download orders in one status letter and move the order to the next status letter once shipped.
For 2) and 3), you can either provide your shopping cart admin username / password, or **modify the first function in the provided module which will validate a user name + password, and use that username + password.
**in order to code a special username + password in the account, you will need to update this function in the module we sent:
function DoAuthCustom($username, $password) {
if ($username == "teapplix" && $password="changeme123") {
return 1;
return 0;
Note that cancelled orders on your website must be double cancelled in Teapplix.