Teapplix power outage due to east Palo Alto plane crash

We want to let you know that we are without power in our office on Feb 17, 2010.  Hopefully this gets resolved soon:


This power outage does not affect any of the Teapplix's application infrastructure. However, our development and customer support environment is currently offline.

Our main phone number is currently offline. We can retrieve email and voice mail from free wifi spots, but our response will be slower.

This may be a good time to describe a bit of our hosting infrastructure and our backup procedures.

Teapplix's main application site is hosted in Michigan. This include our web servers and our database server.

Teapplix maintains a backup hosting environment in Florida. There is a 5 second database replication between our main site and our backup site. This way the maximum data you lose will be 5 seconds in case our main site is completely destroyed.

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