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Rakuten (formerly Buy.com)
Teapplix ActionShip can use FTP access to download your Rakuten/Buy.com orders automatically and confirm orders as shipped with tracking numbers. This will be done hourly once setup:
1) Obtain FTP access to your Rakuten/Buy.com account (ask Rakuten.com)
2) Enter FTP login+password into ActionShip:
Navigate to Integration => Marketplaces & Carts, Click+Add Marketplaces and select Rakuten (Buy.com). Click Close to close the marketplaces options page. Click+Add Rakuten Account and enter the Username for Rakuten FTP and Password* then click save.
* It is important you enter the FTP login credentials and not your Rakuten/Buy.com web login / password.
3) We use the order report on the FTP server to download Rakuten orders. Please make sure to configure your Rakuten server to publish order reports onto FTP server.
Cancelled Orders
If you cancel an order on Rakuten/Buy.com, you need to cancel it again in ActionShip.
Reference ID vs Item Name
Your orders will import SKU as item name, and the Rakuten/Buy.com item name will be in the description field.
Import Problems
Your Rakuten/Buy.com FTP username and password must be maintained in ActionShip.
Inventory Update
In order for Teapplix Action Ship to know items you sell/list on Rakuten, please submit a request to Rakuten to automatic generate the listing report. The report should be formatted as .csv and published in a zipped file.