Shipment Confirmation Upload

Shipment Report Upload API is used by external systems to inform Teapplix that certain orders are shipped outside of Teapplix, and the details around those shipments.

Teapplix will then take the information and upload to upstream marketplace and shopping carts, and possibly also send ship notification emails. To perform Ship Confirmation upload, use the above API end point and pass in the following additional parameters.


Additional parameters:

  1. upload -- this parameter will give the name of the local file that will be posted back to the server to upload
  2. force -- if set to 1, Teapplix will confirm orders and update tracking numbers even if the order is already marked as shipped or already have tracking number.
  3. template -- (optional, only provide this parameter if Teapplix support ask you to) indicates to Teapplix the name of the confirm file template to use to parse the file.

You must attache a "Generic Ship Confirmation" file.
The shipping method in the file has to be the same as Teapplix internal ship method string (here is a full list of the Teapplix ship methods for US Shipping Carrier , and All Shipping Carrier )

An example of doing API upload using "curl" is the following:

curl -k --form Subaction=ShipConfirm --form upload=@upload.csv ''


You must first check for HTTP level error codes. Invalid authentication, or fatal system errors will be indicated by HTTP response codes.

Normal returns should have 200 status code.

For ship confirmation upload, we produce a CSV output with the following columns:

  1. OrderID -- the original OrderID passed in
  2. Status -- Confirmed, NotFound, Failure
  3. Message -- in the case of failure, error messages