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Sales Tax
Teapplix requires that you turn on Sales Tax in your QuickBooks Online account. Also make sure to create one sales tax item with zero tax rate, and at least one sales tax item with none zero tax rate.
If you don't need QuickBooks to calculate tax for every order, and only want to apply the sales tax item with none zero tax rate to orders from certain States, make sure to configure the tax info in Teapplix as following way:
- On QuickBooks->Tax Mapping page, create a record for each State you need to remit tax and select the corresponding sales tax item with none zero tax rate.
- On the QuickBooks->Integration Setup page, for the Sales Tax Account field, select the tax item with zero tax rate. It will be applied to those orders not included in your tax mapping.
Note: Many marketplaces are auto collecting and remitting taxes to 40+ States in US. For those maketplace orders in those States, Teapplix will ignore the tax charged and mark the "Customer taxable" bit to "non", so QuickBooks will keep tax amount to zero.