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Order Queues
By default, Teapplix ActionShip comes with 4 order queues in addition to the "Normal" queue:
- Hold
- Returns
- Custom1
- Custom2
Orders placed in these queues will no longer display in normal open orders.
Moving Orders to Queues
You can change move orders to different queue by the following methods:
- On "Orders = > Normal" page, select a list of orders, and in Bulk Update panel change the order queue. Click Bulk Update to submit the change
- On each order, click the "edit pencil" found on the right of the order. In the Order Queue field, click the down arrow to view the drop down list of available queues. Select the queue you wish to move the selected order to. Note that if after the queue change, your order no longer belongs to the current display, it will disappear from the screen you are on.
- When you "update" an order, or create new ones via "RMA" or "Add" link, you can directly set the order queue there.
Managing Queues
You can customize the queue list by clicking on the "manage order queue" link in Open Orders.
You can add new queues, as well as rename existing queues.
You can specify a Shipping Profile for a queue.
You can specify a warehouse Id for a queue if you have multiple warehouses setup.
If you delete a queue, orders belonging to that queue will not be deleted. If you accidentally delete a queue, just add another one with the same queue id.
The "Display in All" means that orders assigned to this Queue will also display under "Normal" orders list.
Importing orders via Generic CSV files into a Specific Order Queue
This can be done by adding a “QueueID” field to the Teapplix Generic CSV file. We recommend adding the “QueueID” as last column. See here for more info.