Order Upload

The upload API is designed for external systems to upload information back into Teapplix.

If you would like to use additional supported parameters:
https://app.teapplix.com/h/[your teapplix account name]/ea/api.php?User=xxxx&Passwd=xxxx&Action=Upload&param=value

Order Upload
To perform order upload, pass in "Subaction=Order" parameter.

Then, in the body of the HTTP Request, send in a MIME attachment with the name "upload", and format as CSV. The name of the upload file html element must be "upload".

An example of doing API upload using "curl" is the following:

curl -k --form Subaction=Order --form upload=@upload.csv 'https://app.teapplix.com/h/demo/ea/api.php?User=xx&Passwd=yy&Action=Upload'

Here is a sample of our GenericCSV File.
And here is the explanation of the CSV columns .

Note that Teapplix requires that order ids are unique in each Teapplix Account. So make sure you do not import orders with ids that are used by other orders imported into Teapplix.


You must first check for HTTP level error codes. Invalid authentication, or fatal system errors will be indicated by HTTP response codes.

Normal returns should have 200 status code.

we produce a CSV output with the following columns:

  1. OrderID -- the original OrderID passed in
  2. Status -- Confirmed, NotFound, Failure
  3. Message -- in the case of failure, error messages