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Bulk Import / Update Mapping
You can use the file Import to create / update all the item mappings into your Teapplix ActionShip account at once.
Please perform the following steps:
- Go to Inventory => Item Mapping page, click on Import/Export. A window would pop up; select "Export", then click on Export to CSV which will download a mapping.csv file. This file would be the template file.
- Open this template file in Microsoft Excel. you can see the headers that corresponding to each of the user interface fields. Please keep the header names as it is and not modify/remove any. The Source Item Name is the item name in your orders. The SKU is either the product SKU you created in ActionShip Products page or your QuickBooks inventory item name. For create, you need to add one row for each Source Item Names and its corresponding SKU. For update, you can modify the corresponding field. Then save as csv file again.
- Then import this file using Import/Export again, but select ‘Import’, then click Import from CSV
Note: If you have special characters such as the trademark symbol within excel, please make sure your file is in UTF-8 format, instead of ANSI. Otherwise the file import will fail since we don't support ANSI characters.
You can find more information using google to change the files - as an example -